Head of the department


 Address: Shymkent, Temirlanovskoe shosse street, house 1A, building 1, sq.49

                            slave. tel. 8(7252) 39-02-44 (internal 742)             

                            mob. tel: 8-7012662798

General information: date of birth: 19.10.1974           

                                       Nationality: Kazakh

Experience: more than 20 years

Courses: Meteorology and climatology, Geoecology and nature conservation, General earth science, hydrology

Academic activity:

1. Diploma of the University, 1996 KazSNU named after al-Farabi. The IB diploma-II No. 0099375 Almaty

2. Diploma of candidate of Sciences, 2011, no. 0000383 Astana

Professional activity:

1. 1998-2000 secondary school No. 64 named after Zh. Aimauytov (Shymkent) - teacher of geography and civics;

2. 2002-2008 Kazakhstan peoples Friendship University, geography teacher of the Department "History and geography»;

3. 2008-2011 international Kazakh-Turkish University named after K. A. Yasaui Shymkent Institute, teacher of geography, senior lecturer of the Department " Geography»;

4. 2011-2016 South Kazakhstan state pedagogical Institute, senior lecturer of the Department of "Geography", head of the Department of "Geography" (2013-2015);

5. 2015-2016 school-Lyceum No. 89 named after A. Altynsarin (Shymkent) - part-time geography teacher (2015-2016 academic year);

6. 2016-2017-Dean of the faculty of natural science and mathematics of Syrdaria University.

7. 2017-2018 Vice-Rector on science and international relations of the University "sirdariya".

8. 2018-present-head of the Department of "Geography" of the South Kazakhstan state pedagogical University.

Research projects in the field of science over the past five years:

1) Creation of the catalog and educational and methodical basis of sacred places of the South Kazakhstan region, introduction of this complex in preschool, secondary and higher education systems.

Patents and copyrights:

Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 0373 dated 05.02.2018 for an electronic textbook on the subject "Biogeography»

Important publications over the past five years:

  1. Modern character of  the movement and adaptation of  the Central Asian population. Educational Researcher, November 2016, 9, vol.45. “Florida State University Press” Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 4.623. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.575.  Соавторы -  Якубов У., Исмаилова К.
  2. Загрязнение водоёмов как основной фактор проблемы обеспечения питьевой водой в условиях переходного периода. Научный периодический журнал «Вопросы географии и геоэкологии» Импакт-фактор – 0,016 (по данным Казахстанской базы цитирования АО «НЦ НТИ». Соавтор - Якубов У.
  3. Основные климатические особенности и потенциал загрязнения атмосферы Шымкентского промышленного центра.  Вестник КазНИТУ, №3 (127) 2018. Стр. 270-276. Соавторы -  Қожабекова З.Е., Исмаилова К.Б.
  4. Оқушыларға экологиялық білім мен тәрбие беруде географияның рөлі.  «Қазқстанның өмірі мен ғылымы» атты халықаралық ғылыми-танымдық журнал, № 3(58) 2018 арнайы выпуск. 154-157 бб.  Соавторлар -  Исмаилова К.Б., Жумалиева Э.Ө.
  5. A сomprehensive Study of Various loam properties of Besarik field to obtain eco friendly building materials. «Fresenius Environmental Bulletin» (Germany).-2018.-V.27.-Iss.9.-P.5858-5862.  ISSN: 1018-4619. Impact Factor 0.673. Kurbaniyazov S., Abdimutalip N., Kozhabekova Z., Toychibekova G., Shalabaeva G., Akeshova M.
  6. Evaluation of the community-based ecotourism development status in the Aksu-Jabagly nature reserve. May 2021. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 35 No 2 (2021)(2):381-389.
  7. Түркістан облысының ауыл шаруашылық жерлерінің сапалық жағдайы және тиімді пайдалану мәселелері. Вестник КазНУ. Серия географическая.  No4  (59)  2020, 4-17.
  8. Development status of the tourism products in Jabagly village near the Aksu-Jabagly world heritage site. Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Biology. Medicine. Geography series. About journal. Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «Биология. Медицина. География». No 4(100)/2020, 122-130.
  9. Resource potential assessment for the tourism cooperation on border territory of Almaty  (Kazakhstan) and Issyk-kul (Kyrgyzstan) regions. Вестник КазНУ. Серия географическая.  No1  (60)  2021, 39-50.

Electronic textbook:

«Biogeography". Author's certificate of the Ministry of justice No. 0373 dated 05.02.2018 Disk 6.45 MB 

Rewards and rewards:

1. She was awarded a monetary prize in honor of Nauryz. 16.03.2010 G.

2. Gratitude for scientific guidance of research work of students. 28.04.2010

3. Thank-you letter from the rector of SKSPI, June 27, 2014

4. Letter of thanks from the rector of the Pedagogical Institute of Tajikistan, April 2017.

5. Letter of thanks from Maktaaral district maslikhat of South Kazakhstan region in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2017

6. Anniversary medal for the 80th anniversary of SKGP


1) Department of education of South Kazakhstan region - member of the jury, Chairman of the jury of the 3rd round of the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects (2012-2015);

2) Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance in education (ncaoc) – member of the expert group on external audit (16-17. 03. 2015, 21-22. 05. 2018);

3) Chairman of the state Committee for master's and bachelor's programs at M. Auyezov SKSU, MSTU, RSIU

Academic mobility:

MOIN of the Republic of Tajikistan Tajik pedagogical Institute in Penjikent CERTIFICATE number 07 that she held classes on the subject: "Geoecology and nature protection" in the period from 03.04.2017 to 07.04.2017 in the amount of two credits

Certificates / certificates of professional development: 

1) Certificate "E-government and e-services", JSC "National information technologies", 21.09.2011

2) the Certificate "Master class for the preparation of applications and clarification of the solicitation documents", NCSSTE MES RK, 2014.

3) Certificate of accreditation as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities. MES RK Astana, February 14, 2013 MK Series No. 003266.

4) certificate of participant of the Thomson Reuters resource seminar.

5) Certificate of professional development on the topic "program of professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the amount of 240 hours. MES RK JSC "national center for advanced training" Orleu", 03.12.2015. reg. number # 0128703.

6) Certificate of Completion Training Program "Professional Development of Educational and Research Skills for Faculty Members of University" at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. 22.11-02.12.2015.

7) Certificate of advanced training in the program " New economic geography (content and methods of training in the course "Geography. Advanced level") in the amount of 72 hours. Al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Institute of advanced training and additional education; peoples ' friendship University of Russia, Moscow. 04-11. 11. 2016.

8) Certificate No. 149/11 that conducted classes on the subject "Geoecology and nature protection" in the period from 03.04.2017-07.04.2017 in the amount of 2 credits at the Tajik pedagogical Institute in Penjikent. Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Tajikistan.

9) Certificate confirming participation in advanced training courses on the topic "interactive methods and measurement technologies of assessment in education", organized by the "research center for education and information innovative technologies" № 170619-17. Almaty, 27.05-10.06.2017.

10) certificate of OS No. 119730 training course on the educational program of professional development of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train teachers in the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed By the center of pedagogical skills of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" in the amount of 80 academic hours. The city Nursultan, 03.05.2019 G.

11) the Certificate of the participant of the training seminar "Preparation of the report on self-assessment of the higher educational institution within the framework of institutional accreditation". Shymkent, 22.11.2019 Registration number no. A-0736. Independent Agency for quality assurance in education ENQA.

Possession of languages: 

Russian-fluent, English B1-Intermediate (medium)

Computer literacy:

Knowledge of basic Microsoft Office programs, such as MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, ability to work with e-mail (including Outlook Express, Mirramail, Email). Excellent Internet skills in various browsers (worked in Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox and others).